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责任编辑:yanxing 点击浏览:

英语专业硕士,雅思听力9分,英语专业八级,剑桥商务英语高级(BEC HIGHER),江西省翻译协会会员;曾前往英国诺丁汉大学访问学习,对IELTS,BEC等国内外相关英语考试具有丰富经验及研究,具有七年雅思听力教学经验,针对雅思考试听力特点设计独特的教学模式和方法 让学员突破雅思听力瓶颈。受到学生的欢迎和一致好评!为人亲切平和,灵活风趣。

    Achieved M.A. in English, TEM8, BEC HIGHER,Band 9 in IELTS listening. He’s also a member of Jiangxi Translation Association. He visited and studied in the University of Nottinghanm. Having rich research experience in IELTS and BBC, and 7 years’ teaching experience in IELTS listening at the same time.Designing the unique teaching mode and methods according to the characteristics of listening enables the students to overcome the bottleneck in learning. Amiable and kind as he is, featuring the humorous and elastic personality, he obtains accordant appreciation from the students.

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